Supercharge Your Social Media with DOOH

Once upon a time, a very smart person invented the internet. A very smart person! I wonder if that person ever realized all of the amazing things that would happen after that.

Now, it’s one of the most effective marketing platforms on the planet. If you want to be reached, you will. But like everything else in life, there are always things you can do to improve results.

It’s not a new concept, but over the many years that advertising has been a part of our lives, some combinations of different media, just work like gangbusters to deliver optimum results. Like martinis with olives, cheese and crackers, Social Media Omnichannel Amplification just works.

An independent DOOH report published by Xaxis in 2019, proved conclusively that DOOH increases reach by 303% when added to mobile or web messaging.

Xaxis also found DOOH makes it 46% more likely for consumers to engage with a brand on mobile.

And it drives 4 times more online activity per ad dollar spent, than TV, Radio, or print alone.

DOOH combined with your social media messaging lifts foot traffic by an average of 68%.

A study by Nielsens showed that 19% of OOH viewers visit their local store or business after viewing an OOH ad.

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If you’d like more information, or to discuss supercharging your social media strategy, please contact AOSCo at

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